United Airlines Passenger Incident Causing a Twitter Storm

There are dark clouds surrounding United Airlines and the ongoing PR debacle. The recent passenger incident for United Airlines has caused quite an uproar in the media. It has also created a major firestorm on twitter, with a number of comments from passengers and customers voicing their displeasure. Continue reading United Airlines Passenger Incident Causing a Twitter Storm

There’s No Free Lunch, Stupid

“Tea is an act complete in its simplicity.
When I drink tea, there is only me and the tea.
The rest of the world dissolves” – Thich Nhat Hanh

A picture is worth a thousand words, and numbers have the capacity to summarize a picture with just a few statistics, especially in today’s data driven world. The right perspective is necessary for the right kind of analysis. It is not just employing the right technique , but rather, it’s implementation  determines the efficacy of the analysis and the relevance of the insight. Continue reading There’s No Free Lunch, Stupid

Why Lifetime value (LTV) calculations need Data Science 

Lifetime Value (LTV), sometimes referred to as Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV), is a technique used by businesses to predict the net profit of the entire future relationship with a customer. LTV is best thought of at a high-level as simply Total Customer Revenue – Total Customer Costs. Two key components to recognize and understand regarding LTV are the fact some customers hold more value than others and a customer is not just a single transaction but rather a relationship far more valuable than just a one-time deal. Continue reading Why Lifetime value (LTV) calculations need Data Science 

Identifying Click Fraud

MERRICK, NY–(Marketwire – April 15, 2016) – New research published in the Conference Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Science Institute, proposed and analyzed a unique method for attempting to identify click fraud traffic to websites. The research conducted by Nooshin Nejati and Dr. Alexander Pelaez, proposed examining immediate behaviors of activity, i.e. clicks and time between clicks, to identify “dark traffic”. According to the New York Times (Dec 9, 2014, L. Kaufman), click fraud cost companies over $6 Billion dollars annually (2015 estimate). “Click Fraud detection in not only important for advertising base businesses, but is also a key factor for any other technology related business to eliminate fraud activities before further data analysis influences business decisions prematurely”, said Ms. Nejati.

Continue reading Identifying Click Fraud