Tracing Search Behavior using Social Network Analysis


The aim of this paper is to study the search behavior of users, based on their Google search query terms, and to find similarities between search behaviors of a pool of users. We want to identify the types of searches that are central to other searches. These searches would ideally lead to searches of other kinds, and it would be conducive to invest in Google ads for searches of this type. Continue reading Tracing Search Behavior using Social Network Analysis

Dr. Alex Pelaez Presents to Students at UPR

Today, Dr. Pelaez presented a speech on how companies are using analytics to transform their organization to students and faculty at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. He spoke about the exciting field the students were entering, and provided the students with a glimpse of what their promising future holds. The talk, lasting over an hour and a half, highlighted the necessary skills companies require for students to land quality high paying jobs in analytics. Continue reading Dr. Alex Pelaez Presents to Students at UPR

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